The entrance into the Nancefield industrial park through Boundary road over the N12 freeway bears the shame of sewerage water that has created a swamp on the road making it hard for cars to pass through to access the site. Mabenzo Najam has on many occasions raised his concerns about the debilitating sewerage water that has been swamping the street adjacent to his business during the past two decades. As a result his and the businesses close to him have lost a considerable amount of business revenue as vehicles heading in their direction are often seen making u-turns for fear of getting stuck in the rising sewer water levels.
Recently two buses got stuck in the mess and a breakdown truck had to be called in. The Mercedes Benz Sales and Repairs Workshop, Mabenzo Merc has seen brighter days servicing satisfied clients until the dark cloud of sewerage water spillage tarnished the reputable service centre as more and more clients are unable to reach the business. He has presented his complaints to numerous administrations and to the current municipal administrations but his pleading fell on deaf ears. Even when he took it up with the Provincial administration, there was no action taken whatsoever.“The place is a health hazard, even school children pass here, as this place is also a place of residence to some, so I don’t know how we must survive here.”He lamented.
Some drivers dare to pass the swamp, albeit by the help of informal navigators. Wearing boots they detect the water levels and better surface below, risking their health they have established a business opportunity to direct the daring drivers eager to pass along a stretch of meters on a running sewer dam in exchange of small cash for their services on a daily basis. And then the small flies from there appear whenever the people try to enjoy their foods and drink. An unbearable sight to behold.
Jerry Sokhupe
Soweto Sunrise News