Meet Mamokete Lechela, Mamiki Kgaje, Dineo Senosi and Palesa Mokoena. The young ladies have been fostering sunshine to grey skies to disadvantaged children at Doornkop over time through their ‘Put a Smile’ campaign. After a painful bereavement, Mamokete, who’s the founder chairperson, got an inspiration during year 2020 to start a collect a school shoes campaign for needy children. The challenge was in the actualization of the vision but since she had wheels at the time, she related, “I started randomly requesting people to purchase school shoes for kids or just donate those still in good condition. In the first drive I collected 100 pairs, the second 200 and third a whopping 250!”
It is now a norm for her to collect pairs of school shoes. With a stunning logo and tag line “If it involves kids, count us in”. the team even printed and wears the T-shirts. As time went by they started collecting school uniform to clothe the kids. She acknowledges that the campaign has grown from its initial stages, knocking on doors and referring to ordinary contributors in the community as ‘smile keepers’. Some even offer small amounts into the kitty to raise funds to purchase more pairs and uniform.
They also host sports charity matches where community members would show up and donate clothes and shoes. And at times host movie nights that are screened in the open where kids sit and watch for entertainment. And in the previous festive season, they proudly brought in father Christmas and mickey mouse mascot to pamper kids in the streets. In all these activities they have no sponsorship. The profits collected from movie nights’ tickets are reinvested as alms to purchase Xmas gifts for needy children. Theirs is to put a smile to a young child as their motto goes, “we want to see the smile”.
Amongst their many meritorious efforts, they also conduct charity drives towards matric dance events, where they would seek donations for formal attires for particular candidates who don’t have the means. In the previous year they assisted 6 matriculants from Raymond Mhlaba school, from hair styling, bling materials to chattered vehicles offered for the day. The highlight was someone offering their Mustang supercharged wheels for the event. Marvelled the ladies. Further than that in their discipline they help out in many ways at elderly and children homes around communities. These selfless divas have ignored their personal life’s challenges to make a difference and encourage members of society to give a hand to put a smile on a child’s face! Contact them on; Facebook, TikTok, Instagram; Mamokete Lechela. Whatsap: 0628690573 Call: 0694577408.
Jerry Sokhupe
Soweto Sunrise News
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