Ebenezer Child Development Programme ECD in Braamfischerville celebrated the annual readerthon beat with a bang on Saturday September 14. In this instalment at the Christian based day care, parents and guardians were braced with surprise activities and guests, witnessing new developments and change of the landscape in early childhood development. The little people in stunning blue t-shirts stunned the audience with their confident display of letter reading, shape and object recognition, scripture verses recitation, poetry, song and fluid choreography.
Principal Boemo Bogatsu mentioned that the idea came about 20 years having observed that books were an effective measure to enhance the children’s intelligence. She pleaded with parents to commit to purchasing children books as they effectively develop their vocabulary. She also observed that guardians speak mostly the English language with their kids not really entrenching their African languages as their heritage. She made example of top achiever families in society that proudly spoke the home language.
Ma’am Boemo ushered the brilliant young children’s book author still at school from Meadowlands, Lesedi Tshabala. The 17 years old young lady produced the book with Bala publishers, and confidently related, “I was just playing around in the grade 7 class when I was selected at my school to finalize English and Sepedi editions. If you may be interested, please visit Bala Books on Instagram and facebook.” She mentioned.

The winning teachers had a field day and appreciative of the good spirit of coordination with children’s parents in shaping their future. Teacher Selina Felleng mentioned that language, communication and confidence in each child are cemented by constant reading. She made mention of the poem she wrote for the kids and observed that such interventions improve their memory retention.
The introduction of the ‘wall of excellence’ where learners with outstanding reading and overall cognitive skills achievements have their names etched therein. Witnesses were called to the front observe the meritorious reading and writing of the top learner girls, Warona and Motheo. Ma’am Boemo mentioned that the wall of excellence will remain as a lasting legacy of the ECD’s top achievers beyond her gracious life.
Some of the parents speak volumes of Ebenezer CDP solid foundation, and enrol the younger children after those who graduate in their families. Koketso Maphunye, Warona’s mother mentioned that her child is the ninth in the family tradition line to attend at Ebenezer. “As a result of the ECD’s strong foundation, our children perform very well at elementary schools. She just turned 6 and I kept her here for a solid foundation before going to school and can account that I’m completely satisfied with her progress!” Warona’s name is etched on the wall of excellence.
Refilwe Rantao, a product of the ECD herself and also Motheo’s mother who just registered her name on the wall of excellence, mentioned that she child arrived at Ebenezer at age 3 with a speech delay condition. “Within 6 months my child’s speech improved, and now she excels. I worked with her teachers, and whatever material they required I made available. We read together at home. She even reads subtitles that appear on TV for us at home.” She proudly mentioned with the utmost gratitude.
Business person and book author, Tshepo Ramapulana in his speech envisioned that social media platforms foundational ICT and Artificial Intelligence can be used positively to develop children. Parents must encourage the registry of coding and co-piloting of AI as a means of basic technological advancements towards learning. He declared to offer study material for the day care. “I have authored children content study books and will allow the parents to download the electronic version of my books and please print them in colour.” Concluded Tshepo who also encouraged the audience to also google the URL, “How to develop my child.” An insightful occasion that was concluded by positive social interactions over sumptuous refreshments.
Jerry Sokhupe
Soweto Sunrise News