Have you ever wondered why the sky does not fall on us? or even the stars or why are stars only visible at night these rhetorical questions have occupied a lot of people’s minds. There have been eminent threats of meteors falling from outer space and causing a catastrophe, but these just disintegrate into smaller particles as soon as they reach the earth’s surface.
We study galaxies and intergalactic interactions information which is embedded in science and incomprehensible to many. It is believed that if the son where to move an inch closer to the earth we would all be scorched to death and if it moved a few inches backwards we would freeze to death. So everything is in its right place, where it meant to be.
The reluctance of the created human race to acknowledge the existence of a Creator is baffling. When at each turn the evidence of a higher being is so amplified through nature as well as the whole creation forever testifying of the presence of God.
The Word of God clearly states that everything is held together by the Word of His power. Hebrews 1:13 emanating from the original Word of creation in the book of Genesis. A beautiful narrative of the fall of creation and a love of a Father who became that which He created to carry out His redemptive plan.
Eschatology, though intimidating to many provides a sense of hope to the believer, the promise of a soon coming Christ who will rapture His church in an event of such great magnitude and significance which will happen in a twinkling of an eye yielding catastrophic results to those who will be left behind.
Lorraine Moremi
Soweto Sunrise News