The new year has finally dawned upon us carrying with it hopes and aspirations. Unattained goals, forgotten dreams such as writing a book or maybe even starting a business as well as an opportunity for a restart.
A restart which allows a clean page comprising of strategies to retract, evaluate and execute. Time management filters into this, on a 24-hour day how much time is allocated towards putting in measures in place that will allow success. What could not be fulfilled last year can still be attained this year for as long as we are immersed in this chronological reality there is still hope.
Never stop dreaming the Word of God says in Proverbs 29:18 that where there is no vision people perish. Dreams allow us not only to claim the future but to establish it as well, our minds are brought into a future existence and its reality is solidified. If I dream of starting a business I have to visualize it in my mind until its reality is brought to fruition.
Dream big like children – who are not afraid to dream big or vocalise their dreams for everyone to hear. Vocalising your dreams allows you to silence all contending voices which are not aligned to your dreams. Things such as spending too much time on social media can consume our time which we could have spent on activities aimed towards attaining our dreams.
Write down your dreams and place them in strategic places where they are within visibility for everyday use and serve as a constant reminder. Use post it stickers, place them on your fridge, bedside table and if possible all the rooms in your house. Hold on like a lion who has zoomed in on its prey and do not allow any distractions until all of your dreams are realized.
Set goals towards your dreams which serve as landmarks. Go on to the internet and gather as much information as possible. Most mobile networks offer daily data bundles which can be used. This could be a small investment aimed towards a successful future. Start with short term goals since long term goals tend to be overwhelming at times, these will gauge how far you have come towards attaining your dreams.
Lastly have fun and enjoy life, and remember obstacles are there to build our characters and strengthen our personalities.
Have a blessed 2025!!!
Lorraine Moremi
Soweto Sunrise News